KioskLife provides a complete integration solution to satisfy various customer needs for companies around the world. Based on our company's core values, innovation, attention to quality and quick production, KioskLife delivers high quality products with a fast time to market. KioskLife offers complete services to all types of customers, ranging from start-up companies to large international enterprises. With the highest efficiency and flexibility, Kiosklife is the best choice for customers with a variety of different needs.

In order to keep its leading position in a competitive market, KioskLife also to established in Shanghai, China to meet customer demand for its products. KioskLife is committed to having a mutually beneficial relationship with all business partners to continuously develop more innovative and valuable products. KioskLife uses customer satisfaction as its goal to continuously improve its quality of service. In order to effectively distribute fast moving market information, KioskLife continues to develop new innovative kiosk applications. New applications, utilizing multimedia with user friendly interfaces, will help to effectively deliver information, education, and services to the target audiences of KioskLife's customers to create new market opportunities and keep customers ahead of their competition.

Kiosk China 3C CertificateChina 3C Certificate Kiosk China 3C CertificateChina 3C Certificate Kiosk KS-508 CertificateNo. D149489 Kiosk 3C CertificateNo. D106608 Kiosk 3C CertificateNo. D118159 Kiosk 3C CertificateNo. D114816 Kiosk 3C CertificateNo. D122233 Kiosk EMC CertificateEMC Certificate
KioskLife Technology
8F., No.442, Sec. 2, Zhongshan Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235, Taiwan (MAP)
8F., No.442, Sec. 2, Zhongshan Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235, Taiwan (MAP)
3/F, Building D, Street Block 7, No.128, Huayuan Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai